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This app is intended to help people be mentally stronger and give people easy access to focus on their mental health.
Being able to expand the little circle that mental health is currently in, and letting others know that they are not
alone is the focus of this project. There are many times when it is easy to neglect mental health with the idea that
physical sickness is the only serious illness one can get. Therefore, we are keen to make progress in helping society
take mental health more seriously.


myEsprit is a free app that can be found in various languages. Its main objective is to help people prioritize their happiness
and provide them with access to long term resources. 5 – 9
Our app provides:

  •  Reminders for gratitude, goal, and reflective journaling. Goals can revolve around their Health and Fitness, Family, Intellectual Life, Social Life, Emotional Life, Character, Career, Quality of Life, Love Relationship, and Finances

  •  Mindfulness and breathing exercises

  • Information on mental illnesses and resources for long term support

  • Personal profile and the ability to track their mood, water intake, and amount of exercise.

About: About Us
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