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Stress So Normal Yet So Complex

In a day packed with endless work and worries, the term we use to define it is ‘stress’. Stress is a term used to describe emotional or physical tension. It is how our body responds to the exhaustion coming from all places. In the world becoming more and more workaholic, the appearance of the word stress colloquially becomes frequent. Stress has been taking a toll on a lot of people especially on the eve of the pandemic where people are going through a mentally turbulent time due to several reasons including unemployment, the feeling of imprisonment, financial crisis and many more.

Stress has diverse reasons. One of the most commonly heard one is the stress that comes from a financial crisis. The thought of enough money not being available often is something that distorts our minds into a state of mayhem, eventually leading to immense levels of stress. A recent breakup or divorce can also result in stress, as the absence of the significant other is felt which makes people emotionally demotivated and tensed. Employment being another reason, where the worry of not having a set job is quite mentally degrading. However, the misconception is that stress only happens due to negative reasons. Good things such as a promotion, moving houses and packing for a holiday can also be a reason for stress as it grades in body exhaustion.

Now stress is not just an abstract term but rather shows several signs. Mental stress often results in irritation, anger and anxious feelings which in extreme cases lead to depressive symptoms as well. You may find yourself snapping at people unnecessarily or just feeling angry at them out of blue. The indecisiveness within you may also be the reason for feeling stressed as your mind is unable to decipher information properly and provide a solution to it. Your body sleep schedule may be hampered and your body may react by resulting in headaches, cramps, hyperventilation, palpitations and migraine for those who are diagnosed with it. So watch out! Therefore, we need to manage it. Denying that you are stressed may not be the best way out, instead recognize it as a problem and try to tackle it by making a schedule that allows you to follow things and get things done on time; effective if the stress is a result of work. Try not to shut people away and build a rather healthy relationship with people close to you, talking it out is often a great way to release stress. Eating healthy and sleeping well may also help. For better sleep take the assistance of mindful meditation. Each way has its own impact and other effective methods are just a search away. So if you are battling the problem of stress, take the initiative for yourself and revolutionise your surroundings. This is your time!


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